Vibroacoustic behavior of a rectangular composite plate in thermal environment

Tran Ich Thinh1, Pham Ngoc Thanh2
1Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam
2Viet Tri University of Industry, Phu Tho, Vietnam

Tóm tắt

This paper is a study of the vibroacoustic behavior of orthotropic laminated composite rectangular plate under a sound wave excitation in thermal environments. An improved analytical procedure has been developed that allows for an efficient solution of the finite composite plate sound transmission problem. A symmetrically orthotropic laminated composite plate is considered. The plate is modeled with classic thin-plate theory and is assumed to be clamped on all four sides. The incident acoustic pressure is modeled as a harmonic plane wave impinging on the plate at an arbitrary angle. The sound transmission loss is calculated from the ratio of incident to transmitted acoustic powers.

Từ khóa

#vibroacoustic behavior #laminated composite plate #sound transmission loss #thermal loads

Tài liệu tham khảo

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