Variation in soil carbon, nitrogen and microbial attributes within a silvopastoral system in the Brazilian Cerrado

Luiz Henrique Gomes de Abreu1, Igor Costa de Freitas1, Pedro Henrique Lopes Santana1, Demerson Luiz de Almeida Barbosa1, Leonardo David Tuffi Santos1, Márcia Vitória Santos2, Demerson Arruda Sanglard1, Leidivan Almeida Frazão1
1Instituto de Ciências Agrárias, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Montes Claros, Brazil
2Departamento de Zootecnia, Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri, Diamantina, Brazil

Tóm tắt

There is insufficient information about the dynamics of soil organic matter in integrated production systems. Therefore, we aimed to evaluate the variations in soil C and N stocks and microbial attributes as a function of the distances apart from the eucalyptus double rows within a silvopastoral system in the Brazilian Cerrado. Four treatments were considered, consisting of four distances (0.5 m, 1.6 m, 3.8 m and 6 m) apart from the double rows of eucalyptus for soil sampling within the silvopastoral system. The soil C and N contents and stocks, C/N ratio, microbial C (Cmic), soil basal respiration, metabolic quotient and microbial quotient were evaluated. Our results showed that soil C contents and stocks were significantly higher near the eucalyptus trees. Soil C stocks ranged from 99.91 (6.0 m) to 119.64 Mg ha−1 (0.5 m) up to 100 cm soil depth, with an increase of 19.73 Mg ha−1 nearest of the forest component. The same pattern was observed for N stocks, with values ranging from 9.52 (0.5 m) to 7.95 Mg ha−1 (6.0 m) and representing an increase of 1.57 Mg ha−1 near the eucalyptus. We also found an increase of 51.32% in the Cmic at 0.5 m apart from the forest component. Thus, we can infer that the presence of eucalyptus improved the soil quality within the silvopastoral system, indicating that the correct soil sampling and measurements must be performed considering all the transect cultivated with forage grass and double rows of eucalyptus.

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