Vaccination and Eradication Programme against Aujeszky’s Disease in Five Swedish Pig Herds with Special Reference to Herd Owner Attitudes
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A vaccination eradication programme against Aujeszky’s disease (AD), based on the use of gE-negative killed vaccine, was carried out between 1987 and 1992 in 5 Swedish weaner pig producing or farrow-to-finish herds, with 63 to 398 breeding animals. All breeding animals were tested at the start and the end of the programme. Seroprevalence to Aujeszky’s disease virus (ADV) ranged between 47% and 100% in the herds at the first test. During the programme, all breeding animals were vaccinated simultaneously every 4 months and ADV-free replacement animals were vaccinated shortly after arrival and boostered within a month. In one herd only, a limited number of fatteners were vaccinated. The herds were declared free (gE-negative) 12 to 53 months after the start of the programme. When all seropositive breeding animals had been culled, the programme ended after 2 negative tests of the breeding animals. Seroconversion was limited in all herds but one, where initially no isolation unit was available for replacement animals. The attitude of the herd owners towards the programme and the special conditions prevailing in the herds are discussed. It is suggested that vaccination may promote risk behaviour of herd managers.
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