Use of recombinant HCV antigen in the serodiagnosis of hepatitis C virus infection: Significant improvement in HCV antibody detection as compared with the first generation HCV C100‐3 ELISA and the synthetic peptide EIA tests

David Y. Chien1, Q L Choo1, Azita Tabrizi1, C. Kuo1, Julia McFarland1, Karin Berger1, C. Lee1, Jeffrey R. Shuster1, Tram Thi Ngoc Nguyen1, D.L. Moyer1, Myron J. Tong2, S Furuta3, Masao Omata4, C. T. O. Fong5, Gary E. Tegtmeier6, Harrison Alter7, Eugene R. Schiff8, Lennox J. Jeffers8, Michael Houghton1, George Kuo1
1Chiron Corporation, Emeryville, CA
2†Huntington Memorial Hospital, Liver Center, Pasadena, CA
3†Shinshu University School of Medicine, 3-1-1, Asaki Matsumoto, Nyano-keu
4Chiba University School of Medicine, Chiba, Japan
5American Red Cross, Rockville, MD, USA
6Community Blood Center of Greater Kansas City, Mo.
7Department of Transfusion Medicine, Clinical Center, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.
8§§Center for Liver Disease, Division of Hepatology, University of Miami School of Medicine, Miami, FL

Tóm tắt


Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection can be detected by using immunoassay techniques that measure reactivity to viral protein antigens. In this study seven discreet proteins derived from HCV genomic coding sequences have been expressed, purified and characterized. Six proteins represent the structural regions of the core (C22‐3), the envelope (E1 and E2), and the non‐structural regions NS3 (C33C), NS3–NS4 (C100‐3) and NS5. The seventh, C25, is a chimeric fusion protein containing C33C, C100‐3 and C22‐3 regions. Using these recombinant proteins, multi‐antigen radioimmunoassays and enzyme immunoassays (EIA) were designed. The fusion protein, C25, was demonstrated to be an improved antigen for serodiagnosis of HCV antibody. Use of the C25 protein accelerated HCV antibody detection by 3–46 weeks in non‐A, non‐B hepatitis seroconversion cases and significantly increased the rate of detection in a paid donor population by 20%. The C25 assay also demonstrated excellent specificity in 2446 randomly selected low prevalence samples. The repeated reactive rate in this group of samples was 0.5%.

Samples from volunteer blood donors pre‐selected for repeat reactivity with the first generation C100‐3‐based HCV antibody tests (n= 175) were tested using the C25 assay. The C25 assay detected 37.7% samples as reactive and 53.1% samples as non‐reactive. This result was in agreement with all other supplementary tests that include RIBATM, multi‐antigen assay, Abbott neutralization and peptide assay. The other 9.2% samples were classified as ‘indeterminant’ because these samples were only partially in agreement with some of the above supplementary tests.

The C25 enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), with its improved assay sensitivity, can identify additional HCV antibody reactive cases in both hepatocellular carcinoma and cryptogenic cirrhosis patients. The C25 and multi‐antigen EIA assays were used to investigate the vertical transmission of HCV. It was observed that these improved assays are able to detect antibodies in a vertical transmission case. The C25 ELISA was also compared with a synthetic peptide assay. The C25 assay was found to be superior to the peptide assay that performed poorly in the detection of the C33C only reactive samples.

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