Use of RNA Immunoprecipitation Method for Determining Sinorhizobium meliloti RNA-Hfq Protein Associations In Vivo
Tóm tắt
Soil bacterium Sinorhizobium meliloti (S. meliloti) forms an endosymbiotic partnership with Medicago truncatula (M. truncatula) roots which results in root nodules. The bacteria live within root nodules where they function to fix atmospheric N2 and supply the host plant with reduced nitrogen. The bacterial RNA-binding protein Hfq (Hfq) is an important regulator for the effectiveness of the nitrogen fixation. RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP) method is a powerful method for detecting the association of Hfq protein with specific RNA in cultured bacteria, yet a RIP method for bacteria living in root nodules remains to be described. A modified S. meliloti gene encoding a His-tagged Hfq protein (HfqHis) was placed under the regulation of the native Hfq gene promoter (Phfqsm). The trans produced HfqHis protein was accumulated at its nature levels during all stages of the symbiosis, allowing RNAs that associated with the given protein to be immunoprecipitated with the anti-His antibody against the protein from root nodule lysates. RNAs that associated with the protein were selectively enriched in the immunoprecipitated sample. The RNAs were recovered by a simple method using heat and subsequently analyzed by RT-PCR. The nature of PCR products was determined by DNA sequencing. Hfq association with specific RNAs can be analyzed at different conditions (e. g. young or older root nodules) and/or in wild-type versus mutant strains. This article describes the RIP method for determining Sinorhizobium meliloti RNA-Hfq associations in vivo. It is also applicable to other rhizobia living in planta, although some tissue-specific modification related to sample disruption and homogenization may be needed.
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