Understanding the effects of resolving nautical bottlenecks on the Danube: a KPI-based conceptual framework
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Shifting cargo from roads to eco-friendly inland waterway transport (IWT) is an important step towards reaching the decarbonization goals defined by the European Green Deal. The rehabilitation of nautical bottlenecks is essential to reach the fairway depth which is needed to allow a competitive transport on inland waterways. The goal of this paper is to (1) identify key performance indicators (KPI) associated with nautical bottlenecks caused by insufficient maintenance, (2) understand the effects of resolving nautical bottlenecks on the identified KPIs and (3) develop a conceptual framework. To develop the conceptual framework, we carried out a systematic literature review. We analysed the identified literature using qualitative content analysis and thus, derived relevant KPIs and their interdependencies. Ten KPIs were identified, which could be clustered as being either IWT-related, market-related or location-related. One example for an IWT-related KPI is the vessel draft, while market-related KPIs are e.g., referring to the KPI modal share and location-related KPIs to other KPIs such as fairway depth. The conceptual framework visualizes the interdependencies between the KPIs and facilitates further research in this field, i.e., the development of a method for the evaluation of economic benefits of resolving nautical bottlenecks on inland waterways. A scientific method that allows the economic evaluation of resolving nautical bottlenecks it is essential to demonstrates the gain in quantitative net benefit if water levels are sufficient. A quantification of the net benefit serves as a motivator to intensify maintenance work on nautical bottlenecks and to facilitate decision-making regarding infrastructure projects.
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