Trisomic analysis of new gene for late heading in rice, Oryza sativa L

Euphytica - Tập 151 - Trang 235-241 - 2006
Leang Hak Khun1, Shuhei Miyaji2, Keiji Motomura3, Seiichi Murayama3, Shinichi Adaniya3, Akihiro Nose4
1United Graduate School of Agricultural Sciences, Kagoshima University, Kagoshima, Japan
2Independent Administration Inspection, Tokyo, Japan
3Faculty of Agriculture, University of the Rykyus, Nishihara, Japan
4Faculty of Agriculture, Saga University, Saga, Japan

Tóm tắt

A near isogenic line, T65-LH7 bred from a rice variety, Ketan Nangka by five times of successive backcrossing with Taichung 65 (T65) as recurrent parent was found to carry a recessive lateness gene tentatively designated as ef6(t). The present study was performed to investigate the allelic relationships between ef6(t) and other heading time genes, Ef1, Efx, ef2(t), ef3(t), ef4(t) and ef5 by allelism test and to locate the chromosomal location of ef6(t) by trisomic analysis. In allelism test, six testers carrying each of heading time genes, Ef1, Efx, ef2(t), ef3(t), ef4(t) and ef5 were used. Those testers were the near isogenic lines of T65. T65-LH7 was crossed with respective testers. Heading times in F2 and/or B1F1 plants were examined. All F2 and/or B1F1 populations derived from those crosses exhibited digenic segregations, respectively. These results suggested that ef6(t) was independent of Ef1, Efx, ef2(t), ef3(t), ef4(t) and ef5. Sub sequently, trisomic analysis of ef6(t) was performed using seven Triplo lines having extra chromosomes, 2, 4, 5, 7, 9, 10 and 12. These Triplo lines were the near isogenic lines of T65. They were used as maternal parent to cross with T65-LH7. Heading times in F2 plants obtained from self-pollination of F1 plants were observed. Among F2 plants examined only those derived from a cross between Triplo-7 and T65-LH7 showed a typical trisomic segregation manner, suggesting that ef6(t) was located on chromosome 7. Consequently, the nomenclature of the present gene should be designated as ef6.

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