Translocation blockage by sieve plate callose

Planta - Tập 82 - Trang 369-380 - 1968
R. B. McNairn1,2, H. B. Currier1
1Department of Botany, University of California, Davis
2Department of Biology, Chico State College, Chico, USA

Tóm tắt

Axial translocation in 2-week-old cotton plants was inhibited by heating 4 cm of intact hypocotyl for 15 min by means of a 40–45° water jacket. A 1-cm jacket did not retard translocation, and temperatures below 40° had no effect. Translocation continued to be inhibited for at least 3 hours following heat treatment. After 6 hours, rates were equal to or above normal. Maximum amounts of callose were deposited on sieve plates after the heat treatment, but callose was noticeably diminished within 6 hours after heating and reduced to virtually normal levels within 2 days. Growth measurements, plasmolytic tests, vital staining, and visual observations revealed no evidence of injury in plants heated at 45°. Pore constriction from increased amounts of callose on sieve plates appears to be an effect of heating. Increased resistance due to such constriction may be an important factor in blockage of basipetal phloem translocation.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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