Three-Dimensional Separations in Axial Compressors

Journal of Turbomachinery - Tập 127 Số 2 - Trang 331-339 - 2005
Semiu A. Gbadebo1, N. A. Cumpsty2, Tom Hynes1
1Whittle Laboratory, University of Cambridge, Madingley Road, Cambridge CB3 0DY, UK
2Rolls‐Royce plc, Derby, UK

Tóm tắt


Flow separations in the corner regions of blade passages are common. The separations are three dimensional and have quite different properties from the two-dimensional separations that are considered in elementary courses of fluid mechanics. In particular, the consequences for the flow may be less severe than the two-dimensional separation. This paper describes the nature of three-dimensional (3D) separation and addresses the way in which topological rules, based on a linear treatment of the Navier-Stokes equations, can predict properties of the limiting streamlines, including the singularities which form. The paper shows measurements of the flow field in a linear cascade of compressor blades and compares these to the results of 3D computational fluid dynamics (CFD). For corners without tip clearance, the presence of three-dimensional separation appears to be universal, and the challenge for the designer is to limit the loss and blockage produced. The CFD appears capable of predicting this.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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