The role of wearable devices and objective gait analysis for the assessment and monitoring of patients with lumbar spinal stenosis: systematic review

BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - Tập 20 Số 1 - 2019
Ananya Chakravorty1, Ralph J. Mobbs2, David Anderson3, Kaitlin Rooke4, Kevin Phan2, Nicole Kah Mun Yoong4, Monish Maharaj2, Wen Jie Choy4
1The University of New South Wales (UNSW), Randwick, Australia
2NeuroSpine Surgery Research Group (NSURG), Sydney, Australia
3Sydney School of Medicine, Sydney University, Sydney, Australia
4Neuro Spine Clinic, Suite 7, Level 7. Prince of Wales Private Hospital, Barker Street, Randwick, NSW, 2031, Australia

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