The response of two rice cultivars to external Na/Ca ratio

C. M. Grieve1, H. Fujiyama2
1U.S. Salinity Laboratory, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Riverside, USA
2Faculty of Agriculture, Tottori University, Tottori, Japan

Tóm tắt

The response of the rice cultivars ‘M9’ and ‘M-201’ to nutrient cultures salinated at −0.4 MPa with varying ratios of Na and Ca was studied. Although the dry matter production of both cultivars was sensitive to the Na/Ca ratio, this correlation was significant only for M-201. Calcium nutrition was severely affected by the composition of the external solution, and the laminae exhibited Ca-deficiency symptoms at Na/Ca molar ratios of 78 and 198. Sodium concentration in the shoot decreased as the Na/Ca ratio in the external solution decreased. Patterns of Na and Cl distribution in the shoot tissues were similar; both ions were accumulated preferentially in the tillers and older leaves. The Na-induced inhibition of Ca uptake and transport appears to be more limiting to shoot growth of M9 and M-201 than Na toxicity per se.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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