Quá trình phân tích nội dung định tính
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Tài liệu tham khảo
Backman K., 1998, Challenges of the grounded theory approach to a novice researcher (in Finnish), Hoitotiede, 10, 263
Burns N., 2005, The Practice of Nursing Research: Conduct, Critique & Utilization
Catanzaro M., 1988, Nursing Research; Theory and Practice, 437
Chinn P.L., 1999, Theory and Nursing a Systematic Approach
GAO, 1996, Content Analysis a Methodology for Structuring and Analyzing Written Material
Glaser B.G., 1978, Theoretical Sensitivity: Advances in the Methodology of Grounded Theory
Hoskins C.N., 2004, Research in Nursing and Health: Understanding and Using Quantitative and Qualitative Methods
Krippendorff K., 1980, Content Analysis: An Introduction to its Methodology
Kyngäs H., 1999, Content analysis (Finnish), Hoitotiede, 11, 3
Lauri S., 2005, Developing Nursing Theories (Finnish: Hoitotieteen Teorian Kehittäminen)
Marshall C., 1995, Designing Qualitative Research
Miles M., 1994, Qualitative Data Analysis; an Expanded Source Book
Morse J.M., 1994, Critical Issues in Qualitative Research Methods
Morse J.M., 1995, Qualitative Research Methods for Health Professionals
Neundorf K., 2002, The Content Analysis Guidebook
Polit D.F., 2004, Nursing Research. Principles and Methods
Robson C., 1993, Real World Research. A Resource for Social Scientists and Practitioner–Researchers
Tesch R., 1990, Qualitative Research: Analysis Types and Software Tools