The moderating effect of buyer‐supplier relationships on quality practices and performance

Emerald - Tập 22 Số 6 - Trang 589-613 - 2002
Brian Fynes1, Chris Voss2
1(Department of Business Administration, Michael Smurfit Graduate School of Business, University College Dublin, Co. Dublin, Ireland,)
2Centre for Operations Management, London Business School, London, UK

Tóm tắt

This paper contributes to, and links the areas of quality management and buyer‐supplier relationships. In doing so, we seek to address two broad research questions. To what extent do quality practices impact upon the various dimensions of quality performance, manufacturing performance and, in turn, business performance? To what extent is the relationship between quality practices and quality performance contingent upon the nature of buyer‐supplier relationships? To address these questions, we developed a path model incorporating quality practices, design quality, conformance quality, external quality‐in‐use, product cost, time‐to‐market, customer satisfaction, business performance and buyer‐seller relationships. The model was tested with data collected from 200 suppliers in the electronics sector in the Republic of Ireland. Data analysis of the data indicated considerable support for the conceptual model.

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