The effect of surface growth of blue-green algae and bryophytes on some microbiological, biochemical, and physical soil properties

D. L. N. Rao1, R. G. Burns1
1Biological Laboratory, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK

Tóm tắt

The influence of surface growth of inoculated cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) on subsurface properties of a brown earth, silt loam soil was studied in reconstituted flooded soil columns. One blue-green algae species, Nostoc muscorum, become dominant within the first 7 days of inoculation. In light control columns (not inoculated) a bryophyte, Barbula recurvirostra, was dominant although significant growth of indigenous blue-green algae occurred. The blue-green algae counts were in the range of 1×106 g-1 dry soil in the surface layer (0–0.7 cm) in both columns. Any effect of surface phototrophic growth on soil properties was restricted to the surface layer. In inoculated columns there was a twofold increase in microbial biomass and an eightfold increase in bacterial numbers by week 13. However, bacterial numbers declined so that there was only a 2.8-fold increase by week 21. Dehydrogenase (x2.1), urease (x2.8) and phosphatase (x3.1) activities and polysaccharides (+69%) increased by week 21 as a result of the blue-green algae inoculation along with a significant improvement in soil aggregation. However, similar increases occurred in the light control columns, indicating that given appropriate conditions of light and moisture indigenous species may be ultimately as effective as introduced species in bringing about biochemical and microbiological changes to soil.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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