The effect of light exposure on buoyancy of halibut eggs
Tóm tắt
Effects of light‐exposure on eggs of the Atlantic halibut (
Từ khóa
Tài liệu tham khảo
Bentley P. J., 1971, Endocrines and Osmoregulation, A Comparative Account of the Regulation of Water and Salt in Vertebrates
Fulton T. W.(1898).On the growth and maturation of the ovarian eggs of teleostean fishes.Fishery Board of Scotland (16th Report on the Fisheries of Scotland)88–124.
Guyton A. C., 1979, Physiology of the Human Body
Sars G. O.(1879).Report of practical and scientific investigations of the cod fisheries near Loffodon Islands made during the years 1864–1869. Translated from “Indberetninger til Departementet for det Indre fra Cand. G.O. Sars om de af ham i de aarene 1864–69 anstillede praktisk‐videnskabelige Undersøgelser angaaende Torskefiskeriet i Lofoten” Christiania 1869. Translated by H. Jacobsen. InReports of the United States Commercial Fisheries Part IV 565–705.