The effect of compression stresses, stress level and stress order on fatigue crack growth of multiple site damage
Tóm tắt
Structural components are generally subjected to a wide stress spectrum over their lifetime. Service loads are accentuated at the areas of stress concentration, mainly at the connection of components. When there is a critical level of multiple site damage at connections, cracks link up to form a large crack which abruptly reduces the residual strength of the damaged structural member. Therefore, it is important to estimate the fatigue life before the cracks link up due to critical multiple site damage. In this study, the extended finite element method was applied to predict lifetime under constant amplitude cyclic loadings of fatigue tests on several multiple site damage specimens made of Al 2024‐T3. Then the multiple crack growths under service stress spectra are calculated to investigate the effects of compressive stress, stress orders and the effect of sequence cyclic loadings on stress levels by using Forman and NASGROW equations.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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