The comparison of pest management information systems and communication networks for organic and conventional hazelnut producers in Samsun Province of Turkey
Tóm tắt
The main objective of this study is to compare the communication networks and information sources related to the pest management used by organic and conventional hazelnut growers in Samsun Province, Turkey. The main data were collected from hazelnut growers through survey forms, and the interviews were also conducted with the participation of information sources in the network. We used descriptive statistics to analyse the socioeconomic characteristics of organic and conventional hazelnut growers; the use of different pest management strategies and the attitudes towards pesticide use were analysed with KAP approach, and the growers’ communication networks were analysed and compared using SNA. According to the results of the study, the scores of the organic hazelnut growers were higher than the conventional hazelnut growers in terms of land size, sales price, membership to an agricultural organization and labour needs. The organic growers were leading farmers. The organic hazelnut growers shared their experiences and local knowledge among themselves. However, their local knowledge should be supported with scientific information.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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