The archbishop’s dinner? Late medieval fish from Esztergom-Várhegy-Kőbánya, Hungary

Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences - Tập 13 - Trang 1-14 - 2021
László Bartosiewicz1, Erika Gál2
1Osteoarchaeological Research Laboratory, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
2Institute of Archaeology, Research Centre for the Humanities, Budapest, Hungary

Tóm tắt

Fourteenth–fifteenth century food refuse from the kitchen of the Esztergom archbishopric shows a significant diachronic increase in cyprinid bones, in particular those of carp. Meanwhile, contributions by large acipenserids and carnivorous species (catfish/wels, pike, percids) declined. Contemporaneous account books indirectly suggest that the archbishop’s kitchen must have increasingly relied on farmed carp fish. Sturgeons were a commodity sold by the archbishopric but rarely consumed. Expensive pikes were bought at low prices for the archbishop, possibly related to the small size of individuals found in the deposits. The poor representation of high-status fish is consonant with the scarcity of bones from large game in an assemblage dominated by domesticates. Wild game is represented by brown hare, partridge, and a variety of thrushes. These finds confirm that the foodways in the archbishop’s palace were more modest than expected on the basis of its social status. Increasing contributions by cyprinids and sterlet to the assemblage also coincide with the high relative frequency of their recipes in a sixteenth century cookbook.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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