The Role of Nonconservative Interactions in the Asymptotic Limit of Thermostatted Kinetic Models
Tóm tắt
This paper is concerned with the asymptotic analysis of space-velocity dependent thermostatted kinetic frameworks which include conservative, nonconservative and stochastic operators. The mathematical frameworks are integro-partial differential equations that can be proposed for the modeling of most phenomena occurring in biological and chemical systems. Specifically the paper focuses on the derivation of macroscopic equations obtained by performing a low-field and a high-field scaling into the thermostatted kinetic framework and considering the related convergence when the scaling parameter goes to zero. In the low-field limit, the macroscopic equations show diffusion with respect to both the space variable and a scalar variable that is introduced for the modeling of the strategy of the particle system. In the high-field limit, the macroscopic equations show hyperbolic behavior. The asymptotic analysis is also generalized to systems decomposed in various functional subsystems.
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