The Reliability of the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) Questionnaire

Nutrients - Tập 9 Số 4 - Trang 419
Lovro Štefan1, Rebeka Prosoli1, Dora Juranko2, Marko Čule3, Ivan Milinović3, Dario Novak1, Goran Sporiš1
1Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia;
2Boutique Fitness Studio "Vježbaonica", Center for Recreation and Fitness, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia;
3Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Zagreb, 10 000 Zagreb, Croatia;

Tóm tắt

The purpose of the present study was to determine the test–retest reliability of the Mediterranean Diet Quality Index (KIDMED) questionnaire in college students. Two hundred and seventy-six college students (127 men, 46%; 149 women, 54%; mean age 19.70 ± 1.32 years; mean height 1.75 ± 0.09 m; mean weight 69.28 ± 13.84 kg; mean body-mas index 22.41 ± 3.19 kg/m2) participated in the study. To investigate the reliability of the KIDMED questionnaire, the participants were asked to complete the questionnaire on two occasions two weeks apart, stratified by gender. Kappa statistics showed moderate to excellent agreement (ranging from 0.504 to 0.849) in the total sample and moderate to excellent agreement in both men (ranging from 0.467 to 0.803) and women (ranging from 0.435 to 0.927). Results in the total KIDMED score showed a moderate correlation between two occasions inthe total sample (κ = 0.597, p < 0.001) and in women (κ = 0.586, p < 0.001) and a good correlation in men (κ = 0.611, p < 0.001). Our study shows that the KIDMED questionnaire is a reliable instrument for assessing adherence to the Mediterranean diet in college students. Future studies should focus on investigating the reliability of the questionnaire in other countries and in different age groups for generating comparable data.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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