The Relationship of Two Types of Shame with Meditation Experience
Tóm tắt
In shame, the self is evaluated negatively by oneself, in measures of shame-proneness, or from the perceived perspective of others, as external shame. Both types of shame are associated with anxiety and depression. Mindfulness and self-compassion are associated with shame, and some intervention approaches for shame involve meditation. Aims of the study were to predict each type of shame from mindfulness and self-compassion and to investigate the relationship between meditation practice and each type of shame. A correlational design was used to investigate relationships of external shame and shame-proneness with mindfulness, self-compassion, and meditation practice. Two participant samples, of undergraduate psychology students and participants recruited from mindfulness-related websites, completed an online survey. For both samples, facets of mindfulness predicted external shame and shame-proneness. Self-compassion, administered to the website sample only, also predicted external shame and shame-proneness. Frequency and duration of meditation sessions predicted shame-proneness, but not external shame, in both samples. Meditation did not predict mindfulness or self-compassion for the website sample, but frequency of sessions predicted the Nonjudging facet of mindfulness for the undergraduate sample. Meditation may be protective against shame-proneness, but other intervention practices may be needed to protect against external shame.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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