The MicroRNA Spectrum in 12 Body Fluids

Clinical Chemistry - Tập 56 Số 11 - Trang 1733-1741 - 2010
Jessica A. Weber1, David Baxter1, Shile Zhang1, David Huang1, Kuo‐How Huang2, Ming‐Jen Lee3,2, David J. Galas1,4, Kai Wang1
1Institute for Systems Biology, 1441 North 34th St., Seattle, WA 98103
2Department of Urology
3Department of Neurology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Republic of China
4University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg

Tóm tắt

BACKGROUND MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small, noncoding RNAs that play an important role in regulating various biological processes through their interaction with cellular messenger RNAs. Extracellular miRNAs in serum, plasma, saliva, and urine have recently been shown to be associated with various pathological conditions including cancer. METHODS With the goal of assessing the distribution of miRNAs and demonstrating the potential use of miRNAs as biomarkers, we examined the presence of miRNAs in 12 human body fluids and urine samples from women in different stages of pregnancy or patients with different urothelial cancers. Using quantitative PCR, we conducted a global survey of the miRNA distribution in these fluids. RESULTS miRNAs were present in all fluids tested and showed distinct compositions in different fluid types. Several of the highly abundant miRNAs in these fluids were common among multiple fluid types, and some of the miRNAs were enriched in specific fluids. We also observed distinct miRNA patterns in the urine samples obtained from individuals with different physiopathological conditions. CONCLUSIONS MicroRNAs are ubiquitous in all the body fluid types tested. Fluid type–specific miRNAs may have functional roles associated with the surrounding tissues. In addition, the changes in miRNA spectra observed in the urine samples from patients with different urothelial conditions demonstrates the potential for using concentrations of specific miRNAs in body fluids as biomarkers for detecting and monitoring various physiopathological conditions.

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