The CRADLE teaching methodology: developing foreign language and entrepreneurial skills in primary school pupils

Springer Science and Business Media LLC - Tập 3 - Trang 265-285 - 2020
Rebecca Weicht1,2, Irina Ivanova3, Ourania Gikopoulou4
1Bantani Education, Brussels, Belgium
2Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, UK
3Department of English Studies, University of Shumen, Varna, Bulgaria
4National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece

Tóm tắt

In recent years, a consensus has grown across the European Union that the acquisition of transversal skills—including foreign language and entrepreneurial skills—is key to the success of learners in their personal and professional life. The CRADLE teaching methodology for primary school teachers is the first teaching methodology to simultaneously foster both of these skill sets, employing a cross-curricular, activity-based, pupil-centred, exploratory teaching and learning approach based on a linear four-step process inspired by Design Thinking with problem-solving and designing solutions in mind. This article discusses the implementation of the CRADLE teaching methodology in six primary schools in three European countries. Based on an analysis of project plans, lesson observations and teachers’ feedback during the pilot stage of the methodology, we are able to demonstrate that the methodology is a flexible tool for developing students’ knowledge and skills. The observed results provide evidence of increased pupil interest and involvement, successful acquisition of foreign language and communication skills (accuracy and fluency in speaking, vocabulary development, ability to express opinions and ideas, answer questions and understand instructions) and emerging entrepreneurial skills such as self-efficacy, creativity, valuing ideas, taking initiatives, planning and management, and working with others.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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