The Brazilian wood biomass supply and utilization focusing on eucalypt

Jorge Luiz Colodette1, Claudia Márcia Gomes2, Fernando José Borges Gomes1, Carla Heloísa Avelino Cabral3
1Forestry Engineering Department, Federal University of Viçosa, Viçosa, MG, 36570-900, Brazil
2Biological, Environmental and Agricultural Sciences Center, Federal University of Recôncavo da Bahia, Cruz das Almas, BA, 44380-000, Brazil
3Forestry Engineering Department, State University of Amapá, Macapá, AP, 68900-070, Brazil

Tóm tắt


Brazil has 8.51 million km2 of territorial area and a tropical climate. In 2010, the occupation of the Brazilian soil consists of 20.8% pasture, 6.8% agriculture, 0.8% forested areas, 61.0% natural forests, and 9.7% other areas. In 2012, of the total area of the country 3.25% (27.65 million ha) is occupied by soy bean cultivation and 1% (8.5 million ha) by sugar cane cultivation. In 2012, the main cultivated species in the country were Eucalyptus spp. (71.0%), Pinus spp. (21.75%), Acacia mearnsii and Acacia mangium (2.12%), Hevea brasiliensis (2.36%), and Schizolobium amazonicum (1.22%). From 2004 to 2012, the planted forest area growth was 50.4%. The main factor that boosted this growth was the demand of the pulp and paper, followed by wood-based panels sector. It is also notable the development of new planted forests in Brazil for energy purposes. In recent decades, scientific and technological advance shave resulted in significant improvements in productivity, resistance to diseases, uniform degree of the forest plantations, wood quality etc. Among the most researched species are the ones belonging to Eucalyptus gender for having excellent adaptability to the edaphoclimatic conditions in the country. The current average productivity of Eucalyptus is of 40.7 m3/ha·year. In some regions of the country the average productivity of Eucalyptus has reached 100 m3/ha·year. The Brazilian forestry industry uses mainly planted forests, and the pulp and paper industry consumes only this type of wood. The pulp and wood panel sectors are more technologically advanced in relation to the other wood products sectors.

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Tài liệu tham khảo

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