The Application of Supercritical Fluids Technology to Recover Healthy Valuable Compounds from Marine and Agricultural Food Processing By-Products: A Review

Processes - Tập 9 Số 2 - Trang 357
Jianjun Zhou, Beatriz Gullón, Min Wang, Patricia Gullón, José M. Lorenzo, Francisco J. Barba

Tóm tắt

Food by-products contain a remarkable source of bioactive molecules with many benefits for humans; therefore, their exploitation can be an excellent opportunity for the food sector. Moreover, the revalorization of these by-products to produce value-added compounds is considered pivotal for sustainable growth based on a circular economy. Traditional extraction technologies have several drawbacks mainly related to the consumption of hazardous organic solvents, and the high temperatures maintained for long extraction periods which cause the degradation of thermolabile compounds as well as a low extraction efficiency of desired compounds. In this context, supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) has been explored as a suitable green technology for the recovery of a broad range of bioactive compounds from different types of agri-food wastes. This review describes the working principle and development of SFE technology to valorize by-products from different origin (marine, fruit, vegetable, nuts, and other plants). In addition, the potential effects of the extracted active substances on human health were also approached.

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