The 3D-model of anisotropic conductivity in the strained n-silicon
Proceedings. 3rd Annual Siberian Russian Workshop on Electron Devices and Materials - Tập 1 - Trang 3 pp. - 2002
Tóm tắt
In paper the outcomes of 3-dimensional simulation of an anisotropic electrical conductivity originating at deformation of n-silicon are reduced. Is shown, that the application of the space 19-dot template of digitization allows to take into account changes x-, y-, and z-components of field strength in all three space directions. As an example the dependences of an output voltage transversal sensor of a unit from monoaxial mechanical power are presented.
Từ khóa
#Anisotropic magnetoresistance #Conductivity #Tensile stress #Laplace equations #Silicon #Tellurium #Voltage #Mechanical sensors #Couplings #Effective massTài liệu tham khảo
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