Temperature-Dependent Material Property Databases for Marine Steels—Part 5: HY-80

Jennifer K. Semple1, Daniel H. Bechetti1, Wei Zhang2, Justin E. Norkett1, Charles R. Fisher1
1Naval Surface Warfare Center Carderock Division (NSWCCD), West Bethesda, USA
2The Ohio State University, Columbus, USA

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Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME)-based tools and techniques have been identified as the best path forward for distortion mitigation in thin-plate steel construction at shipyards. ICME tools require temperature-dependent material properties—including specific heat, thermal conductivity, coefficient of thermal expansion, elastic modulus, yield strength, flow stress, and microstructural evolution—to achieve accurate computational results for distortion and residual stress. However, the required temperature-dependent material property databases of the U.S. Navy-relevant steels are not available in the literature. Therefore, a comprehensive testing plan for some of the most common marine steels used in the construction of the U.S. Naval vessels was completed. This testing plan included DH36, HSLA-65, HSLA-80, HSLA-100, HY-80, and HY-100 steel with a nominal thickness of 4.76 mm (3/16-in.). This report is the fifth part of a seven-part series detailing the pedigreed steel data. The first six reports will report the material properties for each of the individual steel grades, whereas the final report will compare and contrast the measured steel properties across all six steels. This report will focus specifically on the data associated with HY-80 steel.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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