Teachers’ multimodal functioning in relation to the concept of average

Mathematics Education Research Journal - Tập 9 - Trang 205-224 - 1997
Rosemary A. Callingham1
1Department of Education, Community and Cultural Development, Tasmania

Tóm tắt

Average is a concept encountered in a wide variety of situations. In this paper, responses of 136 pre- and in-service teachers to a series of graded questions about average are analysed. The theoretical model used as the basis of the analysis is the SOLO Taxonomy with multimodal functioning developed by Biggs and Collis (1991). Information presented in graphical form requiring respondents to compare data sets induced responses in ikonic and concrete symbolic modes, demonstrating multimodal functioning. These responses are mapped onto a model of problem solving proposed by Collis and Romberg (1990). Cycles of response in relation to the concept of average are proposed.

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