Teachers as agents of self-regulated learning (SRL): Studying the relations between teachers’ knowledge, beliefs, and SRL implementation across educational levels

Lies Backers1, Fien De Smedt1, Hilde Van Keer1
1Department of Educational Studies, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium

Tóm tắt

Teachers play a key role in supporting students with self-regulated learning (SRL) at all school levels. Yet, research shows that teachers, like students, struggle with SRL and its implementation. Moreover there are differences in how students regulate their learning at different ages. Due to this development of SRL by age and the crucial role of the teachers in this development, the present study focuses on teachers’ professional competencies regarding SRL implementation and on differences across educational levels. The study provides more in-depth insight into (a) how teachers’ professional competencies (i.e., teachers’ content and pedagogical content knowledge, beliefs consistent or inconsistent with SRL theory, and self-efficacy beliefs regarding SRL implementation) and their self-reported SRL implementation are interrelated and (b) whether and how these relationships vary for teachers of preschool and primary education on the one hand and secondary education on the other hand. In total, 549 teachers completed self-report questionnaires (206 from preschool and primary education, 343 from secondary education). Multigroup path analysis was used to test the hypothesized relationships. The results show that beliefs consistent with SRL theory are positively related to pedagogical content knowledge and feelings of self-efficacy regarding SRL implementation, while a negative relation between beliefs inconsistent with SRL theory and content and pedagogical content knowledge is found. Further, a significant positive relation between self-efficacy and SRL implementation is established, whereas pedagogical content knowledge appeared to be negatively related to SRL implementation. No different relations were found across educational levels.

Từ khóa

Tài liệu tham khảo

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