Targeting exogenous genes to tumor angiogenesis by transplantation of genetically modified hematopoietic stem cells

Nature Medicine - Tập 9 Số 6 - Trang 789-795 - 2003
Michele De Palma1, Mary Anna Venneri2, Cristina Roca3, Luigi Naldini2
1Laboratory for Gene Transfer and Therapy, IRCC, Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment, University of Torino Medical School, Strada Provinciale 142, 10060 Candiolo, Torino, Italy.
2Laboratory for Gene Transfer and Therapy, IRCC, Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment, University of Torino Medical School, Candiolo (Torino), Italy
3Division of Molecular Angiogenesis, IRCC, Institute for Cancer Research and Treatment, University of Torino Medical School, Candiolo (Torino), Italy

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