Systemic and Service Dominant Socio-Economic Development: Legal, Judicial and Market Capacity Building in Bangladesh

Australasian Marketing Journal - Tập 18 - Trang 248-255 - 2010
Anthony Pecotich1,2, Don R. Rahtz3, Clifford J. Shultz4
1University of Split, Faculty of Economics, Matice hrvatske 31, Split, 21000, Croatia
2University of Western Australia, Department of Information Management and Marketing, 35 Stirling Highway, CRAWLEY, Western Australia 6907, Australia
3Mason School of Business, The College of William and Mary, Williamsburg VA 23187-8795, USA
4Loyola University Chicago, School of Business Administration, Maguire Hall, Rm. 418, 1 E. Pearson St. Chicago, IL 60611, USA

Tóm tắt

Greater understanding of marketing systems and sub-systems is imperative if living standards and the quality of life are to improve in developing economies. As part of a World Bank project to aid in legal capacity building and socio-economic development, the authors are administering a field study in Bangladesh to assess that country's legal system, and other key elements of its marketing system. Site visits and depth interviews were conducted with numerous stakeholders of the legal system. Drawing on those observations and interviews, and literature from macromarketing systems analysis, marketing service encounters, and service-dominant logic (SDL) the authors propose a model for explication of the judicial system, with broader implications for the marketing system. In doing so it is hoped that insights can be gleaned to help judicial authorities and public policy makers involved in reform efforts in Bangladesh and other developing economies. Such perspective will enable interested change-agents to better examine the entire system and to create a more transparent and efficient legal process that will improve service provision, marketing system efficacy, and justice, and ultimately will enhance economic and societal well-being.

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