Subthreshold characteristics of electrostatically controlled transistors and thyristors. 1. Shallow planar gate

Semiconductors - Tập 32 - Trang 225-229 - 1998
A. S. Kyuregyan1, S. N. Yurkov1
1V. I. Lenin All-Russia Electrical Engineering Institute, Moscow, Russia

Tóm tắt

A rigorous analytic theory of the blocking state of electrostatically contolled thyristors and transistors and a shallow planar gate of arbitrary width is constructed in the model with a completely depleted base. Formulas are obtained for the subthreshold currents and blocking factor g as functions of the electrode potentials and device parameters: source and gate widths and thickness and doping of the base. It is shown that sufficiently heavy doping not only influences the parameters of the current-voltage characteristics and the factor g but it also changes the qualitative form of the current-voltage characteristic near threshold.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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