Subcortical functions in cognition: Toward a consensus
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Behavioral neurologists and neuropsychologists have debated the role of the thalamus and basal ganglia in cognition and behavior for more than a century (e.g., Bucy, 1942; Marie, 1906; Penfield & Roberts, 1959; Wernicke, 1874). However, over these 100-plus years, there is little consensus regarding whether or how these structures contribute to cognition. Fortunately, recent research findings are rapidly changing this state of affairs. It is now obvious we will not understand how the brain controls complex activities until we understand the contribution of these deep brain structures. In healthy and brain-damaged individuals, application of methodologies such as semantic priming, event related potentials, and functional neuroimaging to the question of subcortical functions is beginning to resolve this conundrum. This symposium demonstrates the utility of combining these different approaches. It features empirical work from six laboratories that have engaged in systematic inquiries regarding the role of the thalamus and basal ganglia in cognition. This body of work represents both new directions and convergence of recent findings in the quest to integrate our understanding of this complex issue.
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Tài liệu tham khảo
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