Studying Phase Equilibria in the Zn–Se–Fe Ternary System for Laser Applications
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The theoretical and experimental analysis of phase equilibria in the Zn–Se–Fe ternary system is carried out with the use of X-ray diffraction analysis and inductively coupled plasma mass-spectrometry. Information is acquired on monovariant equilibria in isothermal sections at temperatures of 730, 814, and 1073 K and also on the solubility of iron under conditions of bi- and monovariant equilibria at 1073 K. The phase composition of samples in the Zn–Se–Fe system synthesized at different temperatures and different total compositions is determined. The reliability of theoretically plotted isothermal sections in the Т–Х–Y projection of the P–T–Х–Y diagram for the Zn–Se–Fe ternary system is confirmed.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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