Students’ Tool-Shaped Conceptualisation of the Idea of Statistical Distributions: The Case of Frida
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This article presents a case study that explores digital experiences in statistics teaching within Danish lower secondary school, focusing on the development of students’ statistical concepts. The study tracks the progress of a student named Frida, who engages with the digital tool TinkerPlots over the span of a year. Frida developed a unique ‘plot–stack–drag’ technique that significantly influenced her conceptual development during this period. Her routines with the tool not only supported her in some instances, but also created conflicts due to their impact on her personal goals and anticipations. This article delves into the educational implications of the dialectical relationship between students’ development of tool-based routines and their personal goals established during the process. The research findings highlight the profound impact of interactions between students and digital tools, such as TinkerPlots, on shaping students’ understanding of statistical concepts. This underscores the importance of educators’ heightened awareness of students’ personal goals and anticipations influenced by digital tools, which, in turn, opens the door to innovative learning opportunities.
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