Structural basis for tetraspanin functions as revealed by the cryo-EM structure of uroplakin complexes at 6-Å resolution

Journal of Cell Biology - Tập 173 Số 6 - Trang 975-983 - 2006
Guangwei Min1, Huaibin Wang1, Tung‐Tien Sun2,3,4,5, Xiang‐Peng Kong1
11Department of Biochemistry
22Department of Dermatology
33Department of Pharmacology
44Department of Urology,
55New York University Cancer Institute, New York University School of Medicine, New York, NY 10016

Tóm tắt

Tetraspanin uroplakins (UPs) Ia and Ib, together with their single-spanning transmembrane protein partners UP II and IIIa, form a unique crystalline 2D array of 16-nm particles covering almost the entire urothelial surface. A 6 Å–resolution cryo-EM structure of the UP particle revealed that the UP tetraspanins have a rod-shaped structure consisting of four closely packed transmembrane helices that extend into the extracellular loops, capped by a disulfide-stabilized head domain. The UP tetraspanins form the primary complexes with their partners through tight interactions of the transmembrane domains as well as the extracellular domains, so that the head domains of their tall partners can bridge each other at the top of the heterotetramer. The secondary interactions between the primary complexes and the tertiary interaction between the 16-nm particles contribute to the formation of the UP tetraspanin network. The rod-shaped tetraspanin structure allows it to serve as stable pilings in the lipid sea, ideal for docking partner proteins to form structural/signaling networks.

Từ khóa

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