Strategies for the Elimination of Hepatitis C Virus Infection as a Public Health Threat in the United States
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Direct-acting antiviral regimens for chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection became available in 2014, and these highly curative therapies have the potential to reduce HCV-associated morbidity and mortality, decrease HCV transmission, and eliminate HCV infection as a public health problem. This review summarizes the recommendations by the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine for a US strategy for HCV elimination. To achieve proposed targets of reducing HCV incidence by 90% and decreasing HCV-related mortality by 60% by 2030, there is a critical need to improve HCV diagnosis and linkage to care, reduce HCV-related disease by antiviral treatment scale-up, reduce HCV incidence, and strengthen HCV surveillance to determine achievement of HCV elimination targets over time. While HCV elimination is feasible, success of this national effort will require ongoing collaboration and critical resource investment by key stakeholders, including medical and public health communities, legislators, community organizers, and patient advocates.
Tài liệu tham khảo
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