Stem cell transplantation for autoimmune diseases

Springer Seminars in Immunopathology - Tập 23 - Trang 193-213 - 2001
John Moore1, P. Brooks2
1Haematology Department, St. Vincents Hospital, Australia
2Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia

Tóm tắt

HSCT in autoimmune diseases has now become one of the potential therapeutic options for physicians looking after patients with severe intractable autoimmune diseases. It has now progressed beyond theory based on animal and human case reports, but at this stage it has been appropriately reserved for patients with resistant disease in a clinical trial setting. Ongoing analysis of the safety and efficacy of patients in phase I/II trials will allow us to determine if there is a wider role for the procedure in diseases such as RA, SLE, SSc and MS. Meta-analyses of the data will enable appropriate selection of patients and the optimal transplant procedure, so that eventually randomised trials against gold standard therapy will become a reality. In the future, with a decreased morbidity and mortality from allogeneic transplantation, cure of these diseases is not an unrealistic option.

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