Stable and Metastable Phases within the GeO2-Rich Part of the Binary PbO–GeO2 System
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Glasses of composition (1-x)PbO · xGeO2 with 0.50 ≤ x ≤ 1.00 were produced by melt quenching. Aliquots of each sample were thermally treated in air for various times at 660°C and then characterized by X-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and differential thermal analysis (DTA). The XRPD patterns of devitrified samples show the presence of one or more crystalline phases, depending on x. For 0.50 ≤ x ≤ 0.75, short treatments (2 h) resulted in the presence of monoclinic PbGeO3, accompanied by phases of PbGe4O9 stoichiometry. On the contrary, prolonged thermal treatments (360 h) produced a slight decrease in the intensity of the XRPD peaks of the PbGeO3 phase and the transformation of the remaining material into orthorhombic PbGe3O7. For 0.80 ≤ x ≤ 0.95, short treatments (2 h) resulted in the formation of hexagonal GeO2, accompanied by orthorhombic PbGe3O7 and by PbGe4O9 phases. In this case, prolonged thermal treatments (360 h) do not affect strongly the XRPD patterns.
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