Stability of planar diffusion wave for the quasilinear wave equation with nonlinear damping
Tóm tắt
In this paper, we will show that under some smallness conditions, the planar diffusion wave
$$\bar v\left( {\frac{{x_1 }}
{{\sqrt {1 + t} }}} \right)$$
is stable for a quasilinear wave equation with nonlinear damping: v
− Δf(v) + v
+ g(v
) = 0, x = (x
1, x
2, ⋯, x
) ∈ ℝ
, where
$$\bar v\left( {\frac{{x_1 }}
{{\sqrt {1 + t} }}} \right)$$
is the unique similar solution to the one dimensional nonlinear heat equation:
$v_t - f(v)_{x_1 x_1 } = 0,f'(v) > 0$
, v(±∞, t) = v
±, v
+ ≠ v
−. We also obtain the L
∞ time decay rate which reads
$\left\| {v - \bar v} \right\|_{L^\infty } = O(1)(1 + t) - \tfrac{r}
, where r = min{3, n}. To get the main result, the energy method and a new inequality have been used.
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