South Africa’s port doctrine: dilemmas and the way forward
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This study uses content analyses to examine 137 stakeholders’ submissions to the Ports Regulator of South Africa from 2009/2010 to 2018/2019, classifying themes into two broad categories, namely port authority pricing and port governance, which together define South Africa’s port doctrine. Results show that South Africa’s system of eight commercial seaports is unique and is financed and managed using a mix of elements from the Anglo-Saxon and Asian doctrines and attempts to charge port tariffs according to the Anglo-Saxon doctrine. The paper critiques the port authority pricing methodology employed in South Africa and shows its inconsistency with sound pricing principles and global best practices. The governance structure and how it has persistently defied legislation, which served to promote anticompetitive behaviour and at worst accommodated years of corrupt activities that have recently surfaced, are also discussed. The recommendation is a swift incorporation of Transnet National Ports Authority (TNPA) as a stand-alone entity outside of Transnet. Incorporation of TNPA would help to remove the present conflicts of interests, improve transparency, accountability and regulation as well as incentivise improved productivity and infrastructure spending, and attract private investments into the ports system.
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