Slope turbulence, internal waves and phytoplankton growth at the Celtic Sea shelf-break

The Royal Society - Tập 302 Số 1472 - Trang 663-682 - 1981
R.D. Pingree1, G. T. Mardell1
1Institute of Oceanographic Sciences, Wormley, Godalming, Surrey GU8 5UB, U.K.

Tóm tắt

The edge of the Celtic Sea shelf is characterized during the summer by a band of cold water ( ca . 100 km broad), which is generally conspicuous in high resolution infrared images from satellites, particularly under high pressure atmospheric conditions with clear skies. Preliminary studies of mixing in this region were made in 1972, 1973 and 1974 and were followed by more detailed interdisciplinary studies in 1976, 1979 and 1980 relating phytoplankton growth to the ways in which turbulence in the environment controls the availability of nutrients and light energy. The results have shown the cooler water to be about 1-2 °C colder than the adjacent surface waters of the Celtic Sea and Atlantic Ocean. This cold band also exhibits higher than background surface values of inorganic nitrate and chlorophyll a . Although these values are generally low compared with the values that have been observed near the neighbouring shelf tidal fronts, the increased surface values along the shelf break in summer appear to be significant. The observed increases of chlorophyll a are thought to be related to physical processes associated with the slopes, ridges and canyons where enhanced mixing, particularly due to internal waves or upwelling, results in nutrient renewal and subsequent phytoplankton growth along the shelf-break region of the Celtic Sea.

Từ khóa

Tài liệu tham khảo

Bowers R . & Bishop D . G. 1966 In Proc. I.E .R .E . Cons. Electronic Engineering in Southam pton 1966 pp. 711-714.


Stride A . H . & Tucker M . J . i 960 Nature Lond. 188 933.




Zeilon N. 1912 K. svenska. Vetenskakad. Handl.

D. H . P eregrine ( Schoolo f M athematics University o f Bristol B S 8 1 U .K.). A d istin c

tiv e featu re o f th e m easurem en ts presented is th at th e th erm o clin e over th e co n tin en ta l sh e If

slope is very m uch thicker th a n it is either over th e oceanic deeps o r th e co n tin en tal shelf. A n

explanation of this feature m ight be found by investigating the p ro p ag atio n o f in tern al waves on

the therm ocline. In te rn a l waves over the co n tin en tal shelf are p ro p ag atin g on tid al currents

w hich have velocities o f the sam e o rd er o f m ag n itu d e as the phase velocities o f the in tern al

waves. W hen these currents are taken in to account I expect th a t th e in tern al w ave field w ould

have m any features in com m on w ith surface waves on currents. T h e m ost relevant p ro p erty for this case is the short wave singularity th a t occurs w hen waves

are being swept dow nstream by a c u rre n t to a region w here th a t cu rre n t drops to n ear near-zero

speed. This is illustrated w ith o u t com m ent in figures 4 an d 11 o f P eregrine (1976) an d figure

of the sam e p ap er is a sketch o f a m ore com plicated b u t m ore general exam ple o f w ave

refraction by a non-uniform c u rre n t w hich leads to a considerable red u ctio n in w avelength.

M ore details o f the case o f a directly adverse c u rre n t are given in P eregrine & T h o m as (1979).

Some aspects o f the general problem are discussed in P eregrine & S m ith (1979). O n the continental slope there is a relatively high g rad ie n t o f tid al cu rren t a n d it is likely

th a t a high pro p o rtio n o f the in tern al waves sw ept in to th a t region off the shelf suffer a sub

stantial reduction o f w avelength. T his leads to th e w aves' kinetic energy being co n cen trated

n earer to the therm ocline an d p ro b ab Iy to a sub stan tial loss o f energy by breaking. B reaking

occurs a t the therm ocline an d m uch o f th e energy is directly available for m IX in g : this broadens

the therm ocline. Even w ithout currents the thicker therm ocline could cause in c id en t in te rn a l waves to break.

T h e waves p ro p ag ate slower on the b ro ad er therm ocline an d becom e sh o rter an d steeper to

m ain tain the sam e w ave action flux. O bservations clearly show th a t some strong in tern al w ave activity is g en erated by th e tid a l

currents. A ny non-uniform ity in th e bed leads to gen eratio n o f statio n ary waves on a uniform

cu rren t o f F roude n u m b er n ear unity. I f the cu rre n t varies in tim e as in this case th e waves so

generated becom e freely p ro p ag atin g waves. Since such waves o rig in ate w ith th e ir gro u p

velocity less th a n the cu rren t velocity they have a very good chance o f being sw ept to th e shelf

edge and hence co n trib u tin g to m ixing in the therm ocline. O bservations a t a single station are unlikely to provide m uch info rm atio n on the in te rn a l w ave

properties even if the c u rre n t is m easured an d the th erm ocline track ed in tim e. M ore extensive

observations are needed to assess the o rien tatio n o f the in te rn a l waves. S atellite an d aerial

photographs are likely to show only the largest waves b u t could be very helpful in in d icatin g the

scatter o f wave directions.

Peregrine D ., 1976, Adv.appl, Mech., 16, 9

