Simultaneous determination of multi-residue and multi-class antibiotics in aquaculture shrimps by UPLC-MS/MS

Food Chemistry - Tập 260 - Trang 336-343 - 2018
Sushil Kumar Saxena1, Rajesh Rangasamy2, Anoop A. Krishnan2, Dhirendra P. Singh2, Sumedh P. Uke2, Praveen Kumar Malekadi2, Anoop S. Sengar3, D. Peer Mohamed2, Ananda Gupta4
1Export Inspection Council, 3rd Floor – NDYMCA Cultural Centre Building, 1, Jai Singh Road, New Delhi 110 001, India
2Export Inspection Agency-Kolkata (Laboratory), 101, Southend Conclave, 1582, Rajdanga Main Road, Kolkata 700 107, India
3Export Inspection Agency-Mumbai, Pilot Test House, Laboratory, E-3, MIDC, Andheri (East), Mumbai, Maharashtra, India
4Export Inspection Agency-Kolkata, World Trade Centre, 14/1B, Ezra Street, Kolkata 700001, India

Tài liệu tham khảo

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