Serum Concentrations of TNF α and Its Soluble Receptors in Patients with Adrenal Tumors Treated by Surgery

International Journal of Molecular Sciences - Tập 11 Số 6 - Trang 2281-2290
Jan Komorowski1, Jolanta Jurczyńska1, Tomasz Stępień2, Krzysztof Kołomecki2, Krzysztof Kuzdak2, H Stępień3
1Department of Clinical Endocrinology, First Chair of Endocrinology, Medical University of Lodz, Sterlinga1/3, 91-425 Lodz, Poland
2Department of Endocrine and General Surgery, First Chair of Endocrinology, Pabianicka 62, Medical University of Lodz, 93-513 Lodz, Poland
3Department of Immunoendocrinology, First Chair of Endocrinology, Medical University of Lodz, Sterlinga1/3, 91-425 Lodz, Poland

Tóm tắt

The peripheral blood levels of TNF α and its soluble receptors were studied in 39 patients with malignant and benign adrenal tumors treated by adrenalectomy. The concentrations of TNF α were significantly elevated in patients with malignant tumors of the adrenal cortex and in patients with Conn's syndrome compared to control. In patients with non-functioning adenomas and pheochromocytomas, TNF α levels were similar to those detected in the control. In subjects with myelolipomas, the serum concentration of TNF α was lower compared to the control. After adrenalectomy, the levels of TNF α were decreased in patients with malignant tumors and in patients with Conn's syndrome, non-functioniong adenomas and pheochromocytomas compared to the concentration before surgery. The serum concentrations of soluble receptors of TNF α did not differ among different patient groups and compared to the control. After adrenalectomy, the blood concentrations of TNF α R1 and TNF α R2 were decreased in patients with Conn's syndrome. However, to confirm practicality of the evaluation of TNF α and its soluble receptors in differential diagnosis in patients with adrenal tumors, a larger study group is needed.

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