SEM application to the household travel survey on weekends versus weekdays: the case of Seoul, South Korea
Tóm tắt
This study analyzes the relationship that land use has with weekend travel in comparison to weekday travel. Unlike previous studies, it uses the same sample for two models that are specified to test the relationship separately for weekday and weekend travel. Structural equation modeling is employed to test the land use–travel relationship. A comparison is made using two mode-specific travel measures: trip frequency and travel time. On weekday travel, land use in Seoul tends to reduce automobile trips and to add transit and nonmotorized trips. This does not lead to a reduction in the total frequency of weekday trips. Instead, an overall reduction occurs in the frequency of weekend trips because the addition of transit and nonmotorized trips is less than the reduction of automobile trips. The application of structural equation modeling to a Seoul household travel survey confirms the opposing role of land use in travel mode choices on weekdays versus weekends.
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