Review Article: Advances in modeling of bed particle entrainment sheared by turbulent flow

Physics of Fluids - Tập 30 Số 6 - 2018
Subhasish Dey1,2,3, Sk Zeeshan Ali1
1Department of Civil Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Kharagpur 1 , West Bengal 721302, India
2Department of Hydraulic Engineering, State Key Laboratory of Hydro-Science and Engineering, Tsinghua University 3 , Beijing 100084, China
3Physics and Applied Mathematics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute Kolkata 2 , West Bengal 700108, India

Tóm tắt

Bed particle entrainment by turbulent wall-shear flow is a key topic of interest in hydrodynamics because it plays a major role to govern the planetary morphodynamics. In this paper, the state-of-the-art review of the essential mechanisms governing the bed particle entrainment by turbulent wall-shear flow and their mathematical modeling is presented. The paper starts with the appraisal of the earlier multifaceted ideas in modeling the particle entrainment highlighting the rolling, sliding, and lifting modes of entrainment. Then, various modeling approaches of bed particle entrainment, such as deterministic, stochastic, and spatiotemporal approaches, are critically analyzed. The modeling criteria of particle entrainment are distinguished for hydraulically smooth, transitional, and rough flow regimes. In this context, the responses of particle size, particle exposure, and packing condition to the near-bed turbulent flow that shears the particles to entrain are discussed. From the modern experimental outcomes, the conceptual mechanism of particle entrainment from the viewpoint of near-bed turbulent coherent structures is delineated. As the latest advancement of the subject, the paper sheds light on the origin of the primitive empirical formulations of bed particle entrainment deriving the scaling laws of threshold flow velocity of bed particle motion from the perspective of the phenomenological theory of turbulence. Besides, a model framework that provides a new look on the bed particle entrainment phenomenon stemming from the stochastic-cum-spatiotemporal approach is introduced. Finally, the future scope of research is articulated with open questions.

Từ khóa

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