Responses to hypoxia and recovery: repayment of oxygen debt is not associated with compensatory protein synthesis in the Amazonian cichlid,Astronotus ocellatus
Tóm tắt
Oxygen consumption, as an indicator of routine metabolic rate (RoMR), and tissue-specific changes in protein synthesis, as measured by 3H-labelled phenylalanine incorporation rates, were determined in Astronotus ocellatus to investigate the cellular mechanisms behind hypoxia-induced metabolic depression and recovery. RoMR was significantly depressed, by approximately 50%, when dissolved oxygen levels reached 10%saturation (0.67±0.01 mg l–1 at 28±1°C). This depression in RoMR was accompanied by a 50–60% decrease in liver,heart and gill protein synthesis, but only a 30% decrease in brain protein synthesis. During recovery from hypoxia, an overshoot in RoMR to 270% of the normoxic rate was observed, indicating the accumulation of an oxygen debt during hypoxia. This conclusion was consistent with significant increase in plasma lactate levels during the hypoxic exposure, and the fact that lactate levels rapidly returned to pre-hypoxic levels. In contrast, a hyperactivation of protein synthesis did not occur, suggesting the overshoot in oxygen consumption during recovery is attributed to an increase in cellular processes other than protein synthesis.
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