Research vs. non-research universities: knowledge sharing and research engagement among academicians

Asia Pacific Education Review - Tập 24 - Trang 25-39 - 2021
Muhammad Ashraf Fauzi1,2
1Faculty of Industrial Management, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Gambang, Malaysia
2Centre for Software Development and Integrated Computing, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Gambang, Malaysia

Tóm tắt

This study investigated the differences in knowledge sharing (KS) behavior among academicians from research universities (RUs) and non-research universities (Non-RUs) and the impact of their differences on research engagement in Malaysia. From the lens of the theory of planned behavior, research engagement is integrated into the original theory as the consequence of KS behavior. Applying a multi-group analysis through partial least square structural equation modeling, 458 academic staff from twenty public universities in Malaysia participated in the study. The study findings revealed that in the RU sample, commitment and subjective norm have no significant impact on attitude and intention, respectively. However, a significant impact of commitment and subjective norm on attitude and intention, respectively, was found in the non-RU sample. This study contributes to the knowledge management perspective among academicians and compares RU and non-RU academicians in Malaysia. A relevant mitigation plan must be taken to ensure that academicians in both RUs and non-RUs share their knowledge willingly and sincerely to elevate the status of higher education in the country to a greater height as a top world-class university. Moreover, an analysis of the implication of higher education in the country as well as institutionalization of education excellence could be achieved through better KS behavior in the South East Asian region.

Tài liệu tham khảo

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