Remarks on criteria of prequasi-invex functions

Hezhi Luo1,2, Huixian Wu3, Yihua Zhu4
1Dept. of Math., Shanghai Univ., Shanghai, China
2Dept. of Appl. Math., Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, Zhejiang, China
3College of Science, Hangzhou Dianzi Univ., Zhejiang, China
4College of Business Administration, Zhejiang Univ. of Technology, Zhejiang, China

Tóm tắt

Yang et al gave some criteria of prequasi-invex functions, semistrictly prequasi-invex functions and strictly prequasi-invex functions in 2001, under a certain set of conditions. In this note, some of these conditions can be weakened to get the same results, and another simplified proof for a criterion of prequasi-invex functions established under the condition of lower semicontinuity is given.