Real earnings management in the motion picture industry: strengthening the inferences from academic research
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The Gong, Young, and Zhou (GYZ) (Gong et al. 2023) paper examines potential earnings management by movie studio companies. Using a large sample of 3094 US-produced English-language movies released between 1997 and 2019, they find that movie studio companies, when faced with a below expected US box office revenue yield from their movies in a specific quarter, move up the release dates of movies with high expected revenues. This “move-up” release is an example of what the accounting research literature calls real earnings management. This commentary on GYZ (Gong et al. 2023) adds more structure to the decision-making context in which movie release dates are set, placing greater emphasis on the role of movie screening companies, which have the final say on the release dates for the movies they show on their screens. It also highlights the rich information setting that exists in the motion picture industry, which can be further exploited to probe the reliability of the earnings management findings reported by GYZ (Gong et al. 2023). This rich information includes security analyst reports and screen days available to quarter-end for each movie released. The commentary has relevance for other research in specific industries where the institutional domain has the potential to provide insight into real earnings management.
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